Brand: C by Stories

C by Stories was founded by Laura Eline and stands for Created by Stories. The brand emphasizes the people who make the clothes. Each garment is made by a person, each with his or her own story. So every piece of clothing is created by stories.

Eco-friendly: The materials used by C by Stories are not eco-friendly. For example, there are items made from 100% virgin polyester or even synthetic material blends. However, the brand does produce locally and in small quantities to avoid waste and emissions from transport. Leftover materials are turned into small limited-edition collections.

Local & fair production: why did we allow C by Stories on our platform? Because the brand is setting a positive example in terms of labour standards. They work with a small factory in Turkey, where the materials come from, and on their website, they introduce you to all the people involved in the process of making the clothing. They call them 'artists'. The winter collection was made in Amsterdam, in a studio that works with people with a refugee background giving them access to the Dutch labour market.